Cochlea Package and Zoom In Option

Cochlea Package and Zoom In Option

High-resolution visualization of the cochlea structure in the inner ear

This exclusive package from Ziehm Imaging is developed for the visualization of the cochlear structure and other small bone structures, and maxillofacial surgery. It offers a special 3D volume size of 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm with a slice thickness of 0.195 mm and up to 512³ voxels.

The Cochlea Package also includes a special cochlea program, to clearly display single electrodes with a width of only 0.3 mm, differentiate them from the bone, and determine their exact position.

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Cochlea Package and Zoom In Option

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of your C-arm

Cochlea Package and Zoom In Option

Discover the future of mobile
X-ray imaging with innovative C-arms