SmartVascular and Interventional Workflows

SmartVascular and Interventional Workflows

Specialized workflows for complex vascular procedures

SmartVascular offers a specialized workflow for complex vascular procedures. Easily switch between Fluoro, DSA, MSA and RSA with just one click, allowing the user to perform an RSA from a single DSA image. This saves precious time in the OR, and reduces the dose applied to the patient. In addition, SmartVascular features a dedicated footswitch configuration that supports the easy and intuitive workflow.

Available in two different package options: SmartVascular and Advanced SmartVascular, each with different optional characteristics.

For Interventional Workflows, optional packages available are: Interventional Package and Interventional Package Advanced.

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SmartVascular and Interventional Workflows

Ensure the best performance
of your C-arm

SmartVascular and Interventional Workflows

Discover the future of mobile
X-ray imaging with innovative C-arms