
Best Image Quality.
Minimized Dose

Save dose with the enhanced CMOS imaging chain – now available in our latest C-arms.


Ziehm Imaging's unique SmartDose concept1

The comprehensive concept consists of a broad, clinically proven application portfolio to address the daily challenges of low dose and high image quality. With significant dose savings, Ziehm Imaging sets the benchmark in user-friendly adjustment of dose exposure.

Laser positioning device

integrated in flat-panel and generator housing for accurate and dose-free positioning of C-arm

Reduction of pulse frequency

manually or fully automatically to lower the accumulated dose

Object detected dose control (ODDC)2

to automatically analyze the area of interest and minimize dose while optimizing image quality

Anatomical programs

with automatic optimization of dose and image quality for best results

High-speed ADR

for intelligent, fast regulation of pulse rate to lower the dose level

Zaip algorithm and filters

to display fast-moving objects like guide wires and even the smallest vessels in razor-sharp image quality

Low dose Mode

in all anatomical programs for particularly dose-sensitive procedures, e.g. in pediatrics2


for exposure-free magnification of X-ray images

Automatic adjustment

for obese patients – with no additional increase in dose

Removable grid

to reduce dose in pediatric and other dose-sensitive procedures

Virtual collimators

for exposure-free positioning of collimators

Beam Filtration3

for reduced skin entrance dose without compromising on image quality

The SmartDose Concept includes a variety of hard- and software features. Due to regulatory reasons the availability of each feature may vary. Please contact your local Ziehm Imaging sales representative for detailed information.

Gosch D. et al. "Influence of grid and ODDC on radiation exposure and image quality using mobile C-arms – First results", RöFo, 09/07.

The technology Beam Filtration reduces dose exposure for all CMOSline systems in comparison to conventional filtration techniques (Status before September 2017). Data on File. Results may vary.