More clarity in cardiovascular imaging

Empower your OR capacity and benefit from sophisticated intraoperative imaging solutions that offer sharper details in X-ray images.

Learn how to bring more clarity into your cardiovascular interventions.



Possibilities worldwide: our magazine IMAGING #5 covers the individual use of mobile C-arms and highlights new directions for our customers and our company.

Read the latest issue here


As an innovation leader, we are committed to our mission of setting new technology standards.

Discover why we are ALWAYS AHEAD.

Investment pays off - with Ziehm Vision RFD 3D

Ziehm Vision RFD 3D answers the trend of rising cost pressure and staying competitive with a top-of-the-line mobile C-arm. Learn how to potentially save costs and enable fast amortization rates in comparison to conventional C-arms - with 3D imaging.


SmartDose Concept

Minimizing dose while maintaining image quality is an important goal worldwide for surgeons, their staff and patients. Ziehm Imaging supports this through further improvements to SmartDose1 for different applications.


1The SmartDose Concept includes a variety of hard- and software features. Due to regulatory reasons the availability of each feature may vary. Please contact your local Ziehm Imaging sales representative for detailed information.