The treatment of degenerative musculoskeletal conditions and the cardiovascular system calls for high-performance intraoperative imaging technologies. The Ziehm Vision RFD is available both in a 21 cm x 21 cm flat-panel version for cardio interventions and with a 31 cm x 31 cm flat-panel detector. This is the preferred model for interventions in the fields of orthopedics, traumatology, cardiology and vascular surgery that require more information in one image.
Both systems are equipped with a powerful generator for optimum penetration, CMOS technology1 for excellent image quality, and Advanced Active Cooling to enable long-lasting procedures.
The best clinical images of the Ziehm Vision RFD
Individual Upgrades for your requirements
Technical specifications
Imaging technology
CMOS, flat-panel, 21 cm x 21 cm / 31 cm x 31 cm
IGZO, flat-panel, 31 cm x 31 cm
a-Si, flat-panel, 30 cm x 30 cm
CMOS: 2 k x 2 k / 3 k x 3 k
IGZO: 2 k x 2 k
a-Si: 1.5 k x 1.5 k
Power generator
25 kW, pulsed monoblock generator
Orbital Movement
165 degrees
Advanced Active Cooling
Ziehm Usability Concept
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This product/feature might not be commercially available in all countries. Due to regulatory reasons their future availability cannot be guaranteed. Please contact Ziehm Imaging for detailed information.
The Usability Concept includes a variety of hard- and software features. Due to regulatory reasons the availability of each feature may vary. Please contact your local Ziehm Imaging sales representative for detailed information.
The SmartDose Concept includes a variety of hard- and software features. Due to regulatory reasons the availability of each feature may vary. Please contact your local Ziehm Imaging sales representative for detailed information.
Gosch D. et al. “Influence of grid and ODDC on radiation exposure and image quality using mobile C-arms – First results”, RöFo, 09/07
The technology Beam Filtration reduces dose exposure for all CMOSline systems in comparison to conventional filtration techniques (Status before September 2017). Data on File. Results may vary.