EndoSize is an intuitive software that allows surgeons to fully plan the treatment strategies and placement of devices. It accurately measures the anatomy based on CT images, suggests the available endograft designs, and defines all other relevant parameters.
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EndoSize® is a registered trademark of Therenva SAS. In the USA, the EndoSize® software obtained a substantial equivalence determination and FDA clearance through the CDRH premarket notification process (510(k)). In Europe, the EndoSize® software is CE marked (class IIa), not eligible for reimbursement. The information provided in the labelling and manual is intended for healthcare professionals only. For the safe and successful operation and use of the device, always read the instructions. Information provided by the EndoSize® software is not intended to support or replace any medical decisions with respect to the patient’s medical care. The sole and exclusive responsibility for determining the accuracy, completeness or appropriateness of any diagnostics, clinical or medical information provided by EndoSize® resides solely with the healthcare provider.